"To all, according to their need.
To each, according to their contribution."
Let's provide basic levels of food, shelter, healthcare and education to all.
Then each person has the opportunity to live their lives, create and gain the rewards of their hard work.
New left, "progressive" politicians today do not believe that individuals should benefit from their own labor. They believe that under free market capitalism that your work, entrepreneurship, and achievement comes at somebody else's expense and high taxation is a just punishment for your privilege. This is true even if you are a minority business owner.
The right no longer believes that the foundations to a healthy economy and wealth creation include ensuring basic needs. For example, the right views healthcare insurance as an individual choice, left to a person's ability to buy it and an insurance companies willingness to sell it.
The right used to believe that limited government maximized freedom, now it believes that no facts or alternative facts maximize fear and outrage and its political power.